Thursday, 16 October 2014

integrity and ethic


today blog is about integrity and ethic. what is ethic and what is integrity.??
so, let we start with integrity.

Wikipedia’s Integrity definition is also quite good. Here it is: “Integrity is the basing of one’s actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Depth of principles and adherence of each level to the next are key determining factors. One is said to have integrity to the extent that everything one does and believes is based on the same core set of values. While those values may change, it is their consistency with each other and with the person’s actions that determine the person’s integrity.

In simple words, it is the quality have in each individual and this quality is based on honesty and high in moral values. There is the characteristics that we must have in order to have this integrity value in ourself :-

Ø Root yourself in a moral foundation.
Ø Look for the positive.
Ø Resist the temptation to compartmentalize your life.
Ø Determine to live for others ahead of yourself.
Ø Participate in an active accountability group.
Ø Partner with a friend where you need to make progress.
Ø Practice having a “principle of the week.”

in my opinion, Integriti sama ada di peringkat individu atau organisasi is based on 'code of behavior'. if everyone are able implement this code, thus sebuah masyarakat or country akan maju dan bertamadun. for example, in organization, there must be NO fraud or any corruption when dealing with customers. if fraud still happened, that company has not implied any integrity value in the organization and it will not help the company to grow.

Next is ETHIC

Ethic is the basic concept and also known as the fundamental principles of decent human conduct. It includes study of universal values such as essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment.

Contoh etika moral:

Ø berkata dan berbuat jujur
Ø menghargai hak orang lain
Ø menghormati orang tua dan guru
Ø membela kebenaran dan keadilan
Ø menyantuni anak yatim/piatu

Last but not least, ethics and integrity should have in every person. These moral values can describe what type of person you are when dealing with other parties. 

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