Thursday, 30 October 2014

conflict with roommate


Today blogs is about conflict with room-mate or house-mate.  Do I have a conflicts with my roommate?. 

Bohong sangatla kalau x da yang terasa hati dengan roommate sendiri. Tapi x da la sampai nak tarik-tarik rambut bagai macam dalam gambar ni.. hohoh. 

Jenuh kalau bergaduh sampai macam tu. Tak matured la orang kata kalau duk bergaduh lagi ni bila dah besaq panjang, nak2 pulak dah masuk U ni. Kenalah educated sikit. X mainlah macam budak2. Tak gitu jah.. haha

Actually, I’m the one who will start first. Teruknya.. entahlah. Rasanya my roommate yg tak tahan dengan eden. manja terlebih. asyik nak balik ja. From hostel until moved into rent house, I’m the one who ALWAYS want to go back to my hometown. Tiap2 minggu kut nak balik. Anak mak la katakan. Homesick teruk kut kalau x balik sebulan. sebulan tersa seperti setahun. Eden x tahan kalau duk lama-lama kat Melbourne a.k.a Merbok ni. Haha (perasan duk oversea) Paling lama boleh duduk pun 3 minggu ja. Kalau lebih tu, dia nak mai la sakit badan la, sakit kepala la. Macam-macam la. Benda ni boleh start conflict ni bila adanya assignment, cek gaduh nak balik. Mulalah ada member nak tarik muka. Kadang2 rasa bersalah gila bila balik rumah. (Padan muka).

Masa duduk dalam hostel dulu, hidup ni asyik berpindah randah ja. Almaklumla, nak kena buat assignment dengan classmate. Classmate pulak duduk bukannya sebelah bilik. Sampaila aritu, x balik bilik sampai 3 hari semata-mata pi buat assignment ja. Nak balik bilik pun dah malam, so decide tidur ja bilik dia. Tinggallah my roommate sorang-sorang dalam bilik. Kesian roommate eden. Bila ada ja assignment, muka dia mulala nak masam sebab dia tahu nak kena tinggal lagi. Until I’ve been labeled as a nomad person. Mahu ke tidaknya, asyik berpindah randah. Tak pernah nak lekat dalam bilik especially bila ada assignment.

The Solution is I am trying to communicate with her. Before I want to go to do my assignment, I will inform her first so that she can find her friends to accompany her at night. and it works. dia dah tak masam muka dah. besides, she knows that i will not be back if i had an assignment with my classmate. kadang - kadang, i will buy something nak pujuk hati dia. 

Alhamdulillah, until now we still keep in touch. Love my roommate and miss her so much. ;)


Saturday, 25 October 2014

advertisement : digi


today blog is about advertisement.
iklan yang selalu terngiang - ngiang and termimpi - mimpi ni ialah iklan digi ni. it's kind of cute with that yellow things. haha.
this commercial tells us about on how to coax a women. and this video also tells us to care on people especially on your love one wherever you go. always to think of them. and that is why his husband send her those yellow things to entertain her. but actually, they just talk through a phone. it's funny though. benda kuning tu lawak gila.

trademark digikan 'ku bersamamu'. so even though duduk jauh ceruk mana pun, still boleh keep in touch dengan orang tersayang dan melepaskan rindu yang terpendam selama berkurun tu kat depa.. ecewah.

itu sahaja kut.


Monday, 20 October 2014


Today blog is about MOM.

Moms are always great as a source of inspiration.

·        What did your mom push you to do?
·        How did she make you feel better about something?

Well, mom is always RIGHT.. whatever she said or nagging to us sangatlah bermakna untuk buatkan anak2 dia Berjaya. Kadang2 sampai tiap2 hari kena beletiaq, haha itulah lumrah menjadi seorang ibu. My mom always support me and whenever I want to give up, she always there for me. During my childhood, selalu sangat kena beletiaq sebab x nak dengar cakap mak. Suka keluar main dengan kawan2, lepastu balik sampai nak dekat waktu maghrib. Memang akan selalu kena marahla. Kadang2, pelik juga dengan kawan kita ni kan, time nak dekat maghrib tu la baru nak berenti main. Selalu dulu main lompat getah. Memang expert la waktu dulu. La ni, teringin pun dak dah, almaklum la regarding with my physical. Nak lompat pun dah semput. Huhu. La ni rindu pulak nak kena beletiaq manja macam dulu.

Back to our topic, mom. Perangai mak  ni, dia seorang yang x nak menyusahkan sapa2 even dengan anak dia sendiri. She just like a superwoman to me.

 She likes to story mory about her experience when she was in our age. Seronok je dengar mak cerita mak. When i want to share something or ask her opinion, it is an easy going. Easier to share story with her as she is suri rumah sepenuh masa. So, sentiasa ja ada bersama.

Mak selalu nasihat and cakap, ‘ingat kita dari mana dan jangan lupa asal kita’. This words always in my mind even though in sya Allah berjauhan dari mak, still pegang dengan this words. Last thing about my mom, of course her cooking skill. Bab2 memasak memang mak champion. Rindunya masakan mak walaupun seminggu sekali balik, tapi still rindu masakan mak. Love u mom. 


Thursday, 16 October 2014

integrity and ethic


today blog is about integrity and ethic. what is ethic and what is integrity.??
so, let we start with integrity.

Wikipedia’s Integrity definition is also quite good. Here it is: “Integrity is the basing of one’s actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Depth of principles and adherence of each level to the next are key determining factors. One is said to have integrity to the extent that everything one does and believes is based on the same core set of values. While those values may change, it is their consistency with each other and with the person’s actions that determine the person’s integrity.

In simple words, it is the quality have in each individual and this quality is based on honesty and high in moral values. There is the characteristics that we must have in order to have this integrity value in ourself :-

Ø Root yourself in a moral foundation.
Ø Look for the positive.
Ø Resist the temptation to compartmentalize your life.
Ø Determine to live for others ahead of yourself.
Ø Participate in an active accountability group.
Ø Partner with a friend where you need to make progress.
Ø Practice having a “principle of the week.”

in my opinion, Integriti sama ada di peringkat individu atau organisasi is based on 'code of behavior'. if everyone are able implement this code, thus sebuah masyarakat or country akan maju dan bertamadun. for example, in organization, there must be NO fraud or any corruption when dealing with customers. if fraud still happened, that company has not implied any integrity value in the organization and it will not help the company to grow.

Next is ETHIC

Ethic is the basic concept and also known as the fundamental principles of decent human conduct. It includes study of universal values such as essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment.

Contoh etika moral:

Ø berkata dan berbuat jujur
Ø menghargai hak orang lain
Ø menghormati orang tua dan guru
Ø membela kebenaran dan keadilan
Ø menyantuni anak yatim/piatu

Last but not least, ethics and integrity should have in every person. These moral values can describe what type of person you are when dealing with other parties. 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

my family


Blog update for today is about my family and close relatives. Start from my mother, my mom is a housewife. She is the best mom and woman that i've ever had. Love u mom. Mak banyak mendidik and always perbetulkan anak2 dia if we make any mistakes. Mak x pernah abaikan anak2 dia. Selalu mencurahkan sepenuh kasih sayang dia dekat kami anak beranak.

 My dad is a retired man. Sebelum ini ayah bekerja sebagai seorang bomba airports. Differentnya kerja ayah, memadamkan api just for aeroplane. Kerja ayah x sama dengan bomba lain. Uniform ayah pun berbeza sikit. Masa kecik2 dulu, ayah selalu bawa naik trak bomba sehinggakan i want to be a firewoman when i grow up. But now, i have different ambition. Dah x nak jadi bomba dah. Huhuhu. Bukannya apa, ujian fizikal dah x lepas kot. Apa nak buat.

I have 6 siblings. 2 sisters, 2 brothers and 1 younger sister. Abang yang sulung sudah berkahwin and have 1 baby. Abang seorang lagi bekerja sebagai bomba . My sisters work as a clerk at airports ,bayan lepas and another one is in her practical. My younger sister still in school in form 3. Busy with her pt3.

I have many cousins especially sebelah ayah but a few di sebelah mak. Sepupu yang paling rapat usually sebelah ibu. Sebelah ayah kurang rapat sebab mereka tinggal jauh dan jarang nak jumpa.

future planning


Continue with my last week assignment, today nk kena story mory about our future planning in 5 years. Kalau nak cerita pasal planning ni, actually i don't even plan anything yet, but we have to plan now if we want to have a better future. So that, nnti x de la nk 'perok buih' sngt. Haha.

So, starting from my degree, degree in finance. of course la nk get better result. Nk dpt kerja bagus, result pown kena la bang bang boom. After fininsh my degree, i just want to follow the flow. I don't plan to further my study in master. I just want to get job first. Master, mungkin pjj kut. kerja yg nak d'cari pun x nak la lari dri field yang i've studied during my degree which is more to finance. X kisahla kerja bank ke, kerja under mana-mana company ke, as long as it is finance. first come, first g interview la. Kalau boleh, saya nak elakkan kerja yang nak kena deal dengan public. I prefer to work without deal with public and more to finish my work in front of computer. Tpi, kalau yang tu ja peluang yang ada, i have to deal with it. Tak nak la pula nak jadi choosy in work. Mna mai dlu, yg tu yg saya akan grab dulu.

Kerja pun actually nak kumpul modal and settle my ptptn's loan. Lepas settle ja loan tu, nk focus on my own Dream. X kan la nk kerja dibawah orang sampai pencen. Actually i have my own dream. To open a restaurant. Teringin gila nk buka restoran ikan bakar d'sebankn saya sendiri ni hantu ikan bakar or apa - apa sahaja yg berkaitan dengan bakaq. Teringin juga nak jdi owner restaurant, walaupun everyday u have to deal with risk. Nothing is impossible. 'Hendak seribu daya, x hendak seribu dalih.' 😆😆

Hopefully, my planning will works. In sya Allah, Allah yang menentukan, kita hanya merancang. 😊😊

During my free time, i LOVE to hear music. X boleh hidup tanpa musik, watch movie and always Facebooking. Hhahaa. 
